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Visitor's Form & Registration

We are delighted that you want to celebrate the High Holy Days with our community.  Members and Visitors are welcome to join us either in person or online for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - as well as all of our surrounding communal activities throughout the week, amnd are invited to apply for tickets

Please note, due to high demand, we have now closed our visitor applications for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Morning. To be added to the waitlist or to join for other services, please contact

As a note, as per our security policies, we ask all first-time visitors to complete our short Visitor Information Form in as much detail as possible. This is so that we may have you on record for any future visits, as well as to go through a minor security check. Should you have any questions, please email the Synagogue Office. Once you have completed this, or if you have already visited the Synagogue and therefore already filled out a form, you can apply for tickets right away! Please note that our building will have limited capacity and we will be allocating tickets to our members first. As such, we ask that you apply by Wednesday, 25th September, to help us ensure we can send you tickets in good time.

If you would like to join us online, with a front row seat from the comfort of your home, please apply for tickets in the same way, and ensure to tick "please send me the online information".


Whilst we welcome visitors and family and friends of our members to all of our services throughout the year, we have to operate a special procedure for the High Holy Days.  This year, we will be both in person and online and there are therefore high costs incurred to ensure we create a high level streaming experience for High Holy Days, alongside additional costs of maintaining our Synagogue. As such we do ask HHD visitors to make a donation to contribute to our community if they are able to. 

We would be grateful for any donation you are able to give; in previous years we have used the following suggested amounts:

  Under 18 18-24 First Time Visitors over 24

Rosh Hashanah (Inc. Erev)

 - £50 £125

Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur

- £50 £125
Both Services £0 £100 £250




We would never exclude anyone for financial reasons. If the suggested donation levels are currently beyond your means, then please donate what you can. If you have any questions, please email the Synagogue Office. Alternatively, if you would be interested in taking this time to become members we would be delighted to meet with you! 

Please note, we ask anyone living in the UK who has joined us for High Holy Days more than twice, to join us as members - click here to get in touch.

Register For Tickets Now! 



Westminster Synagogue is a member of the Fundraising Regulator, the independent body which sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising in England and Wales. Registering with the Regulator underlines our commitment to fundraise in a legal, open, honest and respectful way.


Mon, 10 March 2025 10 Adar 5785