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The Service begins by wishing the community "Shabbat Shalom" and announcing that "We begin our service on Page 12".
We start with Va'Ani, chanted by the leader in Hebrew, followed by the singing of Mah Tovu in Hebrew, led by the musicians.
After Mah Tovu, the service leader chooses one of the nine meditations to read, which you can find on the following page.

Below you'll find an audio file of this section. as well as the page from our booklet.

To return to the Shabbat Morning Service Outline, click here.

Previous: Shabbat Morning Order Next: Meditation

Potential Welcome/Start to service Click here to download the audio file

Va-Ani Click here to download the audio file

Mah Tovu - please check back at a later date

Click here to download the text

To return to the Shabbat Evening Service Outline, click here.

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Sun, 22 December 2024 21 Kislev 5785