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As we prepare to take out the Torah, we rejoice with song. There are many phyisical elements to this part of the service which we'll outline below:

After the 10 Commandments, the leader singers will sing Baruch Shenatan Torah as the Warden ascends the steps. 

The singers then sing Shema Yisrael and Echad Eloheinu whilst the Warden takes the Torah out of the Ark.
Once they've taken the Torah out, they should stand, holding it, at the top of the stairs.

The leader then reads (or chants) Gadlu, before the singers lead us in L'cha Adonai.
At this point, the wardens and service leader processes the scroll around the South Sanctuary, heading to the Terrace and returning to the Bima. This should take the whole of L'cha Adonai.

The leader then reads Ein Kadosh at the top of page 30, until Morasha Kehilat Ya'akov, at which point the singers lead us in Etz Chayim Hi.
During this part, members should be undressing the scroll whilst the Warden holds the Scroll for them.

The leader then reads Shalom Rav in Hebrew.
During this point (if not already done) a Warden should clear the Bima from any items except the lamp and the stand to read Torah (which should be adjusted to the right level for the Torah.

The singers lead us in singing VeZot HaTorah, whilst a member elevates the Scroll, unravelling it to at least show three columns.
The warden should tap the member on the shoulder if needed to signify they should rotate 90' clockwise (having started facing the Ark).

Below you'll find audio files as well as the pages from our Siddur (as a note, these are seperated out!)

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Mon, 31 March 2025 2 Nisan 5785