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Below you can find the dates for the upcoming year. If you have any questions about these programmes, do let us know.  For adult education dates (Shabbat learning, Training, and Oneg), please click here.

Or Shabbat
Saturdays - 10:00am

Term 1: 
Saturdays 14th September - 14th December
(half term break: 26th October and 2nd November)
Please note: there will be no class on Saturday 12th October, as it is Yom Kippur - do join us for the family service.

Term 2:
Saturdays 11th January - 29th March
(half term break: 15th and 22nd February)

Term 3:
Saturdays 26th April - 5th July
(half term break: 24th May and 31st May)

Shabbat B'Yachad
(Intergenerational Services)

Saturday 30th November 
Saturday 29th March
Saturday 14th June

B'nei Mitzvah - year 1
 Saturdays - 10:00am

Term 1: 
Friday 13th September,
Saturdays 21st September - 14th December
(half term break: 26th October and 2nd November)
Please note: there will be no class on Saturday 12th October, as it is Yom Kippur - do join us for the family service.

Term 2:
Saturdays 11th January - 29th March
(half term break: 15th and 22nd February)

Term 3:
Saturdays 26th April - 5th July
(half term break: 24th May and 31st May)

Notes for your diary: 
Our BM Restidential will be held on:
22nd-24th November

We will hold BM Chavurot* on:
    - Friday 13th September
    - Friday 28th February 
    - Friday 27th June 

*Chavurah Suppers are Friday nights where families from both BM groups come together to share Shabbat Dinner

B'nei Mitzvah - year 2 
 Fridays - 5:30pm
(Drop in for ping pong from 5.00pm)

Term 1:
Fridays 13th September - 13th December
(half term break: 25th October and 1st November)
Please note: there will be no class on Friday 11th October, as it is Erev Yom Kippur - do join us for the service.

Term 2:
Fridays 10th January - 28th March
(half term break: 14th and 21st February)

Term 3:
Fridays 25th April - 4th July
(half term break: 23rd and 30th May)

Notes for your diary: 
Our BM Restidential will be held on:
22nd-24th November

We will hold BM Chavurot* on:
    - Friday 13th September
    - Friday 28th February 
    - Friday 27th June 

*Chavurah Suppers are Friday nights where families from both BM groups come together to share Shabbat Dinner

Post BM (13-15 y/o)
Fridays - 5:30pm
(Drop in for ping pong from 5.00pm)

Term 1: 
Fridays 13th and 27th September,
18th October,
8th and 22nd November
and 6th December

Term 2:
Fridays 10th and 24th January 
7th and 28th February
14th and 28th March 

Term 3: 
Fridays 25th April, 
9th May,
6th and 20th June
4th July  

Notes for your diary:
- The teens residential will be held on:
  7th-9th February

-The Teens Chavurah dates:
  - Friday 9th May

Or Chadash
Wednesdays - 6:30pm

Term 1:
Wednesdays 11th September - 11th December
(half term break: 30th October)
Please note: there will be no class on Wednesday 2nd October (Erev Rosh Hashana), 16th October (Erev Sukkot) and 23rd October (Simchat Torah).  - do join us for the festival celebrations.

Term 2:
Wednesdays 15th January - 26th March
(half term break: 19th February)

Term 3:
Wednesdays 23rd April - 2nd July
(half term break: 28th May)

Notes for your diary:
- We will hold Or Chadash Chavurot (Dinners) on:
   - Friday 20th September 
   - Friday 17th January
   - Wednesday 2nd July

Oneg Shabbat
Saturdays - 12:45pm

Term 1:
Saturday 7 September -  Mitzvot - Rabbi Kamila - Click here to sign up.
Saturday 9th November -  Rabbi Kamila
Saturday 7th December - Rabbi Kamila

Term 2:
Saturday 11th January - Yael Roberts
Saturday 1st February - Yael Roberts
Saturday 8th March - Yael Roberts

Term 3:
Saturday 10th May - Rabbi Benji
Saturday 14th June - Rabbi Benji
Saturday 12th July - Rabbi Benji

Mon, 24 March 2025 24 Adar 5785