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L'kha Dodi - alternate melody

Shma Koleinu for Selichot

Shabbat Ki Tavo - Psalm 92/Mizmor Shir

This week Yoav is revisiting Psalm 92/Mizmor Shir, with a different melody than we would normally sing it.

Shabbat Re'eh - Aleinu

Yoav Oved sings the final line of the Aleinu, the closing prayer in our Kabbalat Shabbat service.

Shabbat Eikev - Amidah

Yoav Oved gives an explanation to how we do Amidah at Westminster and then sing it for us.

Shabbat Va-et'chanan - V'Shamru

Yoav Oved is singing the V'shamru, which is part of our Kabbalat Shabbat Service. V'shamru is a reminder for us Jews, Children of Israel to keep Shabbat.

Shabbat D'varim - Mi chamocha

We are continuing our practice of the songs for our Kabbalat Shabbat Service, with Mi chamocha. Sing along Yoav to practice yourself (or just enjoy listening to Yoav's beautiful tone).

Shabbat Mattot- Massei - Maariv aravim

In this video Yoav is singing Maariv aravim (Friday night nusach).  Lyrics are included so that you can sing along! 

Shabbat Pinchas - Tsadik Katamar

This week Yoav is singing the end bit of Psalm 92.

Shabbat Balak - Mizmor Shir

This week Yoav is singing the beginning of Psalm 92, have a listen and sing along with the lyrics. 

Shabbat Korach - Adon Olam

Here you'll find Yoav Oved sing Adon Olam - and the lyrics are there for you to singalong! 

Shabbat Sh'lach - Yigdal

Here Yoav Oved tells us a little about Yigdal and then you'll get a chance to sing along with him.

Shabbat Be'haalotekha - Yedid Nefesh

Here you'll find Yoav Oved sing Yedid Nefesh and reflect on it's meaning.

Shabbat Shemini

Yael Roberts is reflecting on the time between Pesach and Shavuot and how some of those practices can be extra current and helpful at the moment. Click below to watch the video.

Yesterday, Thursday 16th April, was International Voice Day. Click below to watch Yoav Oved share a few words about the importance of our voice and about our (relatively new) initiative, Chulyot. Yoav is also sharing a song that is closed to his heart, especially in these challenging times. See the lyrics and the transaltion below. 

Bashana haba'a, neshev al hamirpeset venispor tziporim nodedot.
Next year we will sit on the porch And count all the migrating birds

Yeladim, bekhufsha, yesakhaku tofeset bein habayit, lebein hasadot.
Children on vacation will play catch Between the house and the fields

Od tire, od tire, kama tov yih'ye, bashana, bashana haba'a
You will see, you will see How good it will be Next Year

Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

Rabbi Benji has been reflecting on what quarantine and self isolation means to people depending on their social situation, with references from all the way from baby Moses through to modern life.

Yael Roberts and Yoav Oved have continued looking at the Hallel, with Psalm 114 this week. Click below to for a video where Yael will tell us more about this Psalm in particular and for a chance to sing along with Yoav.


Shabbat Tzav - 10th Nisan 5780

Friday 3rd - Saturday 4th April 2020
Rabbi Thomas is reflecting on people helping each other out in these challenging times and about angels. 

Rabbi Benji is teaching about Hallel and psalm 113 and it's connections to Pesach. Then we hear Yoav Oved sing the psalm.

Shabbat Vayikra - 3rd Nisan 5780

Friday 27th - Saturday 28th March 2020
Rabbi Benji is reflecting on what the past week has brought and about opening oneself up to new experiences and learning. 

Yael Roberts and Yoav Oved have been looking at the song L'cha Dodi this week. Click below to hear Yael's thoughts on the history and meaning of this prayer, followed by a chance to sing it with Yoav. The video is showing lyric while Yoav is singing, so that you can join in. 

Shabbat Vayakhl-Pekudei - 25th Adar 5780

Friday 20th - Saturday 21st March 2020
Yael Roberts has been reflecting on how the past week has, and continues to, impact our lives, while exploring this week's Torah portion.

Rabbi Benji and Yoav Ovad, one of our Synagogue Singers, have looked at the song Shalom Aleicheim. Click below to watch a video of Rabbi Benji exploring the meaning of the song, both on a personal level and in the Jewish community in general, and hear Yoav sing it.

The video is showing the lyrics, so that you can sing along with Yoav.  Click here to see the full lyrics in Hebrew, English and transliterated. 


Mon, 24 March 2025 24 Adar 5785