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We are delighted to announce that from Saturday 27th March we will be opening the building to the wider community for Shabbat Morning Services for a limited number of people each week. We have created a system and some protocols which we hope achieves this in a way that is fair to all members. Please read our guidelines outlined here to find out more.

Though we can't all physically be together for Shabbat at these times, there are still many ways that you can ensure your Shabbat is a meaningful, educational and spiritual experience. Read on below for all you'll need to connect this Shabbat, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to be in touch!

Friday Night

At 6:30pm on Friday evenings, Rabbi Benji Stanley invites you to welcome in Shabbat together as a community.

  • Volunteer as a Meet and Greeter - Be a friendly face welcoming members as they enter our building
  • Zoom Etiquette - Read our handy guide on how to ensure our Zoom services run smoothly!  
  • Shabbat Service - Use this link to view or download the Siddur and Source Sheets used for the weekly service and learning. As a note, it would be good to print out the Siddur, or ensure you have a second device with you in addition to your Zoom device. 
  • Learn the Music - Yoav Oved, one of our fantastic singers, has recorded guides for a variety of songs for our Shabbat Service so you can confidently join in in our services!
  • Join the Service! - It will start every Friday at 6:30pm, do log in and connect beforehand! If you're not a member, click here to request the Zoom information.
  • Prepare for Kiddush - After the service, we will make kiddush, so make sure you have a little bit of wine or grape juice at hand if you want to join in. 

Here are a few resources you might want to welcome in Shabbat at home

Saturday Morning
We're delighted to offer a weekly online service through Zoom, led by Rabbi Benji Stanley or by our Emeritus Rabbi Thomas Salamon. Below, you can find out all you need to join this service! 

  • Shabbat Service - If you cannot join us in person, use this link to watch the Stream and to view or download the Siddur and Source Sheets used for the weekly service. 
  • Volunteer as a Meet and Greeter - Be that friendly face welcoming members as they enter our building
  • Zoom Etiquette - Read our handy guide on how to ensure our Zoom services run smoothly! 
  • Learn the Music - Yoav Oved, one of our fantastic singers, has recorded guides for a variety of songs for our Shabbat Service so you can confidently join in in our services!
  • Join the Service! - It will start every Saturday at 10:30am, do log in and connect beforehand! If you're not a member, click here to request the Zoom information.
  • Prepare for Kiddush - After the service, we will make kiddush, so make sure you have a little bit of wine or grape juice at hand if you want to join in. 

Shabbat Learning!
At Westminster Synagogue, we pride ourselves on ensuring that education is at the heart of what we do. Shabbat gives us a perfect chance to explore a whole variety of topics which we hope you enjoy engaging with.

  • Shabbat Packs - We have a resource bank of Shabbat Packs: past D'vrei Torah on the weekly portion, along with a bit of learning about one of our Psalms or Prayers that we sing in the Shabbat Service, followed by Yoav leading us in the song. If you want to go straight to the songs, click on the links below (timings afterwards indicates when the song starts)
  • Chulyot - As part of the community's initiative to enhance music in our services, we are holding Chulyot sessions in which we will especially focus on singing for Friday Nights. We will also explore some of the meaning and structure of our prayers together so that you might even integrate some elements into your personal routine at home. Click here to learn more.
  • Children's Education - Lilinaz Evans leads our amazing team of Or Shabbat teachers as they continue our children's education classes with online opportunities each weak. Click on the link to request more information.

We will continue to update this area, so do keep checking back every week. 

If you have new suggestions for the page, do let us know by emailing our Communications Team.


Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785