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Our Shabbat Morning Participatory Services are full of joyous music, individual prayer and times of togetherness as we welcome in the Sabbath. As part of our commitment to empower members with the ability to lead services or feel comfortable enough to join in with the tunes and melodies of our service. As such, we've created a resource bank below so you can familiarise yourself with the music of our Saturday Morning Service below. Stay tuned for more updates as we also delve into the meaning behind specific texts and also how to familiarise yourself with other parts of the service.

To discover the order and tunes for our Friday Night Services, click here.

You can access our Marked Up Shabbat Morning Service Siddur here, and if you have any questions about the service, or wish to get more involved in either our Shabbat Evening or Shabbat Morning services, do get in touch. 

Order and Music

First Reader
Page 12:
Va-Ani (Chanted by leader in Hebrew)
Page 12: Mah Tovu (Sung in Hebrew)
Pages 13-16: Meditation (Read by leader in English - free choice)
Page 16: Elohai neshama  (Chant begining and end in Hebrew, with private prayer in between)
Page 16: We should ever revere (Read in English until ... to Thy people Israel)
Page 16: Ribon haolamin (Read leaders choice to read either in Hebrew or in English till p. 17 'the throne of thy glory')
Page 17: Adonai melech (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 17: Vehaya Adonai lemelech (Read in Hebrew till Amen Haleluyah)
Page 17: Amen/Haleluyah (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 17: Baruch she-amar (Read in Hebrew)
Page 18: Sung Psalm (Sung by singers)
Page 18: Vayevarech David (Read by leader either in Hebrew or in English till bottom of page 18)
Page 19: Baruch Adonai (Read in Hebrew)
Page 19: Amen v'Amen (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 19: Nishmat kol chai (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 19: Umibaladecha (Read in Hebrew from third line in para of Nishmat till anachnu modim)
Page 19: If our mouths were full of song (Read in English)
Page 20: Yishtabach (Read in Hebrew)
Page 21: Barchu (Sung by leader/Rabbi)
Page 21: Baruch Adonai Hamevorach (Sung by singers in in Hebrew)
Page 21: Baruch Atah Adonai/Jotzer Or (Read in Hebrew)
Page 21: With Everlasting Love(Read in English)
Page 22: Shema Yisrael (Read or Sung in Hebrew)
Page 22: Baruch Shem Kevod (Sung quietly by singers)
Page 22: Veahavta (Read in Hebrew)
Pages 22-23: Vehaya im shamoa and Vayomer Adonai el Moshe (Read in silence)
Page 23: Lema'an Tizkeru (Sung/Chanted by Rabbi)
Page 23: True is this word unto us (Read in English until bottom of that page where you shift into in Hebrew and read the last sentence in Hebrew)
Page 24: Adonai Sefatai Tiftach (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 24: Avot (Read in Hebrew)
Page 24: Gevuroth (Read in Hebrew)
Page 24: Kedusha (Read and Sung alternating reader and singer)
Page 25: Kedushat haYom (Read in silence)
Page 25: Avodah (Read in silence)
Page 25: Hoda'ah (Modim anachnu lach - sung in Hebrew)
Page 26: Sim shalom (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 26: Ose Shalom (Sung in Hebrew)
Second Reader
Page 27:
Av haRachamim (Sung by singers in Hebrew)
Page 27: And it shall come to pass (Read in English)
Pages 28-29: Ten commandments (Read in English or in Hebrew; just the first sentences of each)
Page 29: Baruch SheNatan Torah (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 29: Shema Yisra'el (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 29: Echad Eloheinu (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 29: Gadlu (Read or Sung in Hebrew)
Page 29: L'kha Adonai (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 30: Ein Kadosh (Read in Hebrew till Morasha Kehilat Ja'akov)
Page 30: Ec Chajim Hi (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 30: Shalom rav (Read in Hebrew)
Page 30: VeZot haTorah (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 30: Blessing before Torah reading (Read or Sung in Hebrew)
Page 30: Blessing after Torah reading (Read or Sung in Hebrew)
Page 31: Blessing before reading the Prophets (Read in English or Hebrew)
Page 31: Blessing after reading the Prophets (Read in English)
Page 32: Prayer for the Royal Family (Read in English)
Page 32: Prayer for the sick (Read in English/in Hebrew)
Page 33: Prayer for our community (Read in English)
Page 33: Prayer for Israel (Read in English)
Page 34: Yimlokh Adonai (Read in Hebrew)
Page 34: Psalm 29 (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 34: Sermon/Drash (Read in English)
Page 35: Ein k'Eloheinu (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 36: Aleinu (Read in Hebrew)
Page 67: El Maleh Rachamim (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 37: Kaddish (Read in Aramaic)
Page 37: Adon Olam (Sung in Hebrew)
Page 38: Priestly Blessing (Read)

Kiddush (Sung)
Hamotzi (Sung)

Marked Up Shabbat Morning Service

Sun, 22 December 2024 21 Kislev 5785