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A Marriage Blessing ceremony for a couple of mixed faiths can be arranged at Kent House or at a venue of choice. This ceremony can only take place if the couple have already had a civil wedding, which may take place just prior to the Blessing ceremony in a Registry Office or registered venue.

Please note not to arrange the civil wedding ceremony on a Saturday or a Jewish Festival because Jewish weddings do not take place on the Sabbath, festivals or days of public mourning like Tisha B'Av or Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day). Weddings are also not conducted during the Ten Days of Penitence between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as the joy and concentration demanded by a wedding is not thought conducive to proper awareness of the message of those days. There are some other dates which are considered by some Jewish communities not to be appropriate and therefore it is very important to clear dates prior to making any arrangements with the Rabbi and the Synagogue.

Whilst there is no Chuppah (wedding canopy), the couple are encouraged, with the help of the Rabbi, to create their own service which may include music, singing, poetry and special readings by themselves or members of their family and friends. Our Rabbi is always ready to discuss, advise and help where one of the partners is Jewish and the other is not. 

If you would like more information or to speak with the Rabbi about your plans, please call the Synagogue office or send an email to

Mon, 24 March 2025 24 Adar 5785