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Welcome to our Westminster Community

Welcome to Westminster Synagogue, an independent and progressive Jewish community in which learning, community and spirituality are at the heart of all we do.
We are delighted that you want to be part of our community.

Please note, that we ask all potential members to have had a meeting with one of our rabbis, staff, or lay leaders before applying for membership so we can get to know you better. If you have not yet been in touch with Dana, our Membership Coordinator, please do so before completing our Membership Form. Equally, if you have had your conversations and want to officially become a member and/or friend of our community, please complete the form below. And, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate, we are more than happy to help!

Adult 1 

Please complete the information below for the main adult applying for membership. Please note that if you are applying as an interfaith couple, this section should be completed by the Jewish person.

General Information

You may write Hebrew Names either in Hebrew or in English Transliteration 

Religious Information

There are opportunities each week to get involved by fulfilling a Mitzvah (commandment) in the service. Mitzvot can vary from lighting candles, reading Psalms or Prayers in English, reading parts of the Service or from the Torah in Hebrew and more.

With more and more members fulfilling Mitzvot, we thought it would be a perfect time for you to let us know which Mitzvot you already feel comfortable and pleased to accept, or if you'd like to learn more on how to perform them​​​​​.

Emergency Information 

In order to properly care for you whilst in our building, we do ask you to let us know the following information: 

Adult 2 (if applicable)

If you're joining as a couple, please complete the information for the second adult below. If you are applying as an individual adult, please move onto the next section.

General Information

You may write Hebrew Names either in Hebrew or in English Transliteration 

Religious Information

There are opportunities each week to get involved by fulfilling a Mitzvah (commandment) in the service. Mitzvot can vary from lighting candles, reading Psalms or Prayers in English, reading parts of the Service or from the Torah in Hebrew and more.

With more and more members fulfilling Mitzvot, we thought it would be a perfect time for you to let us know which Mitzvot you already feel comfortable and pleased to accept, or if you'd like to learn more on how to perform them​​​​​.

Emergency Information

In order to properly care for you whilst in our building, we do ask you to let us know the following information: 


Please note that only children under 18 are included in their parents' membership. A separate membership form is required for all over 18s.
Press "+" below for each child under 18

Yahrzeit Information:

At Westminster, we read the names of loved ones who are no longer with us on the Shabbat closest to the anniversary of their passing. Julieta, our Services & Lifecycles Coordinator, will  notify you of the date your loved one's name will be read in the service. Do let us know the both the English and Hebrew name of your loved one if you can and if you have further information to share, Julieta can be reached at

We like to share Yahrzeit information with other members in the Community Wishes section of our Weekly E-Letter, please do confirm below whether you would like us to include your observances during the year.  

Community Life 

A key principle of our community is our focus on relational Judaism, putting people first as we deepen our connections with other members in our community. 

Members get to meet one another throughout the year at various services, kiddushim, events and classes held at the Synagogue, but we encourage members to let us know their interests so you can bring those passions to Synagogue life and meet people with similar interests.

We hope you find an area that sparks an interest, and reach out and to start a new chapter in your Westminster journey. We would love to help you find a way to connect, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and get in touch with the Office or drop us an email.

Over recent years, more members than ever have stepped up to play an active role in  various areas of Synagogue life. From festival planning to creating new learning opportunities; baking to book club; social action to service learning, we’re seeing an exciting growth in the many ways that members commit to and care for our special community

Membership Fees

Our annual subscription year runs from May 1st to April 30th. In the year of joining members’ subscriptions are pro-rated to the next April 30th in whole months. 

Subscription rates are reviewed annually. In cases where the standard subscriptions rates are beyond their means, members are asked to discuss the matter in confidence with either the Chairman, the Rabbis or the Membership Coordinator . Those able to pay more than the standard rates are earnestly requested to do so.  If you are in the 18-23 age category, no charge will be made unless you are in full time paid employment.

We will contact you to collect your first payment once your membership has been approved. You may mark below your prefered payment method and frequency.
Age Brackets are calculated
from 1st May 2024
Annual Subs
2024 - 2025
Quarterly Subs
2024 - 2025
Joint Memberships    
Joint 36 +  £1340 £335
Joint 32 - 35  £1020 £255
Joint 28 - 31 £600 £150
Joint 24 - 27 £332 £83
Joint 18 - 23* £180 £45
Individual Memberships    
Individual 36+ £800 £200
Individual 32 - 35  £600 £150
Individual 28 - 31 £360 £90
Individual 24 - 27  £200 £50
Individual 18 - 23*
*No charge unless in full time paid employment 

Joint Memberships include Individual & Friend Memberships (where a partner is not Jewish but wishes to be involved in community life) and joint-Independent Friend memberships (where two people are converting to Judaism with us)

Single Applications are for those who are applying by themselves (either as a full member, or an Independent Friend who is converting to Judaism with us) or those with a partner who doesn't wish to be involved in community life.

Please do not hesitate to open a discussion of concessions if this would make you more comfortable. We never want finances to be a barrier to community.
You can learn more about the Board of Deputies here.
(Please read our description pack and we will include payment after membership for the first year plus over-age supplement if necessary in due course.)
Further information about the Synagogue Columbarium can be found here.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your gift can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the Synagogue from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
Please notify Westminster Synagogue if you:
  • want to cancel this declaration
  • change your name or home address
  • no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.


You can access our Direct Debit Form here.
Please note that while we are happy to update our records with the details from an electronically submitted form, we do also require a physical copy with an ink signature. You may bring this with you on your next visit, or mail your form by post to the address stated on the form.

We will be processing your information in line with our privacy notice, which is available on our website or from our office.
Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785