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Welcome to Westminster Synagogue, an independent and progressive Jewish community in which learning, community and spirituality are at the heart of all we do. We are delighted that you want to be part of our community. Please note, that we ask all potential members to have had a meeting with one of our rabbis, staff, or lay leaders before applying for membership so we can get to know you better. If you have not yet been in touch with Dana, our Membership Coordinator, please do so before completing our Membership Form. Equally, if you have had your conversations and want to officially become a member and/or friend of our community, please complete the form below. And, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate, we are more than happy to help!
General Information
Religious Information
At Westminster, we read the names of loved ones who are no longer with us on the Shabbat closest to the anniversary of their passing. Julieta, our Services & Lifecycles Coordinator, will notify you of the date your loved one's name will be read in the service. Do let us know the both the English and Hebrew name of your loved one if you can and if you have further information to share, Julieta can be reached at We like to share Yahrzeit information with other members in the Community Wishes section of our Weekly E-Letter, please do confirm below whether you would like us to include your observances during the year.
A key principle of our community is our focus on relational Judaism, putting people first as we deepen our connections with other members in our community. Members get to meet one another throughout the year at various services, kiddushim, events and classes held at the Synagogue, but we encourage members to let us know their interests so you can bring those passions to Synagogue life and meet people with similar interests. We hope you find an area that sparks an interest, and reach out and to start a new chapter in your Westminster journey. We would love to help you find a way to connect, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and get in touch with the Office or drop us an email.