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Extraordinary General Meeting to approve members of the Rabbinic Selection Committee.

Wednesday, 26 February, 2025 28 Sh'vat 5785

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Our constitution requires us to create a Rabbinical Selection Committee who will advertise the position and interview candidates. 

The constitution sets out that the committee be formed of the Chair and the Senior Warden and up to seven further Westminster Synagogue members. We want to ensure that every step of the process reflects the many voices within our community and that will certainly be true of this committee which we intend to be a strong and representative cross section of the Community. 

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On 26 February at 8pm we will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Community at Kent House, where members will be asked to approve the members of the Selection Committee. 

To let us know you plan to join, please book in below.

We will also want to ensure that there are a variety of other ways for members to be involved.  If you are interested in this process, please do let us know by emailing chair@westminstersynagogue.orgWe can arrange 1:1 conversations with trustees, or arrange to bring members together for smaller group discussions.

This is clearly an important transition and we hope it will lead to another exciting period of renewal for the whole community. 




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Sat, 18 January 2025 18 Tevet 5785