For Elohai Neshama, the leader chants the first two lines (until ata nifhata bi).
The next few lines are to be read silently, until the leader chants the final two lines (from Moshel bechol habriyot until nishmot lamatim)
The leader then reads the next two paragrahs in English (We should ever revere... May it by thy will...)
Ribon Haolhim can either be read in English, or read/chanted in Hebrew. If in Hebrew, the leader chants the first two lines (until tachanoneynu lifnecha) before going into silent prayer until the final two lines (ki hakol haval)
Below you'll find an audio file as well as the pages from our Siddur.
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Elohai Neshama (Hebrew) - Click here to download the audio file
We should ever revere (English) - Click here to download the audio file
Ribon Haolhim (Hebrew) - Click here to download the audio file
Full Page - Click here to download the audio file
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