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המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May the Almighty comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. 

The mitzvah of leviyat hamet, burying the dead, is considered one of the greatest in Judaism in that it is an act that cannot be repaid by the deceased.

Westminster Synagogue’s Rabbi officiates at both burials and cremations. The Synagogue will help you through these difficult times by providing practical and spiritual support. In the event of a death in your family, contact the Synagogue office and Rabbi will be in contact with the bereaved as quickly as possible.

You may wish to arrange a Shiva service. At Westminster Synagogue, our tradition is to have one night of prayers, usually on the day of the funeral.  Evening prayers may also be held in our Synagogue Sanctuary, particularly if the funeral takes place on a Friday. All of these arrangements can be discussed with the Rabbi and guidance will be given.

For more information after a Bereavement, please click here

For information about cremation and columbarium, please click here

For information about stone settings, please click here

For information about our Burial Scheme, please click here.

Emergency Contact (evenings and weekends)
In case of an emergency, please call +4420 7052 9710, leave a message on the answerphone and a member of staff will promptly return your call. 

Mon, 24 March 2025 24 Adar 5785