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We continue standing for the Amida, which begins with the singers leading in Adonai Sefatai Tiftach.

The leader then chants/reads the Avot (ensuring the imahot Sarah, Rivka, Leah and Rachel are included) and Atah Gibor.

The leader then reads one line of the kedusha, with community singing the next, and continue to alternate until end of page, when singers sing Amidah.

The leader should then note people continue for their own private Amidah until the bottom of page 25.

Once majority people have taken a seat, note that if they're still doing their own Amidah, please do continue doing so. Meanwhile we'll join together for Modim at the bottom of page 25.

Modim starts with everyone singing Modim Anachnu Lach twice, with the singer solo singing the other parts of the prayer and the community joining back in to repeat singing Modim Anachnu Lach.

The leader then reads the first sentence from "Grant Peace"  ending in "unto us", before the community and singers sing Sim Shalom - once again with everyone singing "Sim Shalom, Tovah Uvracha" and the cantorial singer singing other parts of the prayer.

We finally go straight into Oseh Shalom, all together.

After this is the Torah Service, and at this point we change the service leader, if you've been leading up until now, yascher koach!

Below you'll find an audio file as well as the pages from our Siddur.

To return to the Shabbat Morning Service Outline, click here.

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Adonai Sefatai Tiftach (Hebrew)Click here to download the audio file

Avot and Atah Gibor (Hebrew) - Click here to download the audio file

Kedusha (Hebrew)  - Click here to download the audio file

Full Page Click here to download the audio file

Modim (Hebrew) - Click here to download the audio file Needs Update

Grant Peace (English)  - Click here to download the audio file 

Sim Shalom (Hebrew)  Click here to download the audio file Needs Update


Oseh Shalom (Hebrew)  Click here to download the audio file Needs Update


Click here to download the text

To return to the Shabbat Evening Service Outline, click here.

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Mon, 31 March 2025 2 Nisan 5785