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In planning these events, we have been guided by a vision of Westminster as a community of learners in which we study deeply and regularly together, developing our Jewish skills and strengthening our practice and knowledge. We are excited to explore new texts and different styles of learning with each other over the coming months. In addition to our regular monthly Oneg Shabbatot, there are plenty of opportunities to come together and learn. 

Oneg Shabbat

Saturdays, 12:45-2:15pm
After the Shabbat morning service, we come together to share a meal and explore a chosen topic with
Rabbi Benji, Rabbi Kamila and Yael Roberts. Our Oneg Shabbat Lunches allow members to discuss engaging themes from the Torah which impact our modern lives.

Dates and themes for 5785:
With Rabbi Benji, Rabbi Kamila, and Yael, on the theme of ‘mitzvot’
Shabbats 7th September [She is not (entirely) in Heaven: Principles of liberal halakhic decision making] , 9th November [Not just yet: How do we intentionally accept mitzvot?] & 7th December [Men in charge of discharge: A deep dive into the rabbinic period] - book now!
Shabbats 11th January [Talmud Torah Keneged Kulam, Learning Torah is equal to all the mitzvot: We will consider this Rabbinic claim, asking what it really means. We’ll explore some mitzvot of learning Torah, exploring how to learn and why. We will also learn some Torah!], 1st February [Torah Techilitah Gemilut Chasadim. Torah, it’s beginning is the act of loving kindness.  We will consider the connotations and power of chesed, love made manifest in act. We will explore some of the mitzvot of how to do chesed: for example, when during the day should you call or visit someone in distress?] & 22nd March [Avodah: We will explore some of the mitzvot of how to pray/ how to do Jewish spiritual practice, considering our own personal practice.] - book now!
Shabbats 10th May, 14th June & 12th July

Click here to find out more about Oneg Shabbat.

Training Tuesdays

Tuesdays 6,30pm-8pm, via Zoom

Deep dives into understanding parts of our Jewish lives in these mini-series's of learning throughout the year.  

Dates and themes for 5785:
Learn to Leyn with Chani Smith - sign up here.
Tuesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th December and 7th & 14th January 

Service Leadership Course with Rabbi Kamila - sign up here.
Tuesdays 4th, 11th, & 18th March

Decoding Rabbinic Text with Rabbis and Yael
Tuesdays 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th May 

Click here to find out more about Training Tuesdays.

Intensive Days

Saturdays 28 September & 5 April, 3pm-9pm

Full days of learning and exploring different themes in Jewish life.  A chance to deepen learning with a longer series of sessions.

Saturday 28th September - At Home with Prayer - sign up here
Saturday 5th April Preparing for Pesach

Pre-Service Parsha

Saturdays, 9:45-10:25am

Member led Pre-service Parsha, hosted by adult education team member Karen Nicholson
Saturdays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th November

Click here to find out more about Pre-Service Parsha.


Westminster Synagogue is delighted to offer an access fund for Jewish learning opportunities.

This fund is designed to provide full or partial funding towards the cost of attending Torah learning - for instance, travel to and from experiences offered by progressive/egalitarian institutions such as Limmud, Azara, Pardes, the Conservative Yeshiva, Hadar, and the Queer Yeshiva.

Fringes 2025 sessions dates: Mondays 9, 16, 23 & 30 June, 6pm-9pm at Kent House.

Click here to find out more about the Fund.



Mon, 24 March 2025 24 Adar 5785